Micro$oft geheimen
Uit de Microsoft (b)analen: dit verhaal over de registry. De wat? De registry. Dat is het bestand op je computer waar microsoft alles over jou en je computer in opslaat, en waar alleen zeer ervaren personen in mogen kijken en niemand iets in mag veranderen. Behalve wanneer je een probleem met je computer hebt. Hé, maar ik heb heel vaak een probleem met mijn computer!
Uit: I Thought We Weren’t Supposed to Change Settings in the Registry?
"Warning: Don’t ever change a value in the registry. Ever. We know we just told you to do that, but would you jump off a cliff if we told you to? Don’t ever change a value in the registry. Don’t even say the word registry. We know a guy once who said the word registry, and three days later he was hit by a bus. True story. As a matter of fact, you shouldn’t even have a registry on your computer. If you suspect that you do have a registry on your computer, call us and a trained professional will be dispatched to your office to remove the registry immediately. If you accidentally touch the registry, wash your hands with soap and water and call a doctor. Do not swallow the registry or get it in your eyes!"
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